This work reviews the Chinese cultural and mass-educational magazine “Cultural Heritage of China” going through several issues of the magazine - those of 2016, 2017 and 2020 years. The brief history of how the magazine was established and structured is given in the first paragraphs. Following are the reviews of the magazine’s issues about the vestimental culture of China, the sensitive question of borrowing elements of Chinese culture into the Japanese oral tradition, the history of state examinations. In the last part of the review I analyze the contents of the special issue on Chinese spirits and demons.
国家地理大王一名(2019,11月24日)。星球地理探索。如何评价《中华遗产》智慧。检索在https://www.zhihu.com/question/309381007/answer/583006182 (The King of National Geography (2019, November 29). The exploration of “Planet Geography”. How to appreciate “Cultural Heritage of China”? Wisdom. Retrieved from https://www.zhihu.com/question/309381007/answer/583006182)
刘勃 (2017)一代考红:长安城的考试季。中华遗产。 (6), 15-30. (Liu, B. (2017). The examination fever of the times: the season of state examinations in Changan city. Cultural Heritage of China. (6), 8-13.)
小溪 (2016)百鬼夜行与中国的裙带关系。中华遗产。百鬼夜行:从中国出口的妖怪们 (8), 5-11. (Xiao, X. (2016). The interrelation between The Night Parade of Demons and China. Cultural Heritage of China. Ghosts of the Night: Monsters exported from China, (8), 5-11.)
是谁半遮桃花面 (2017)中华遗产。中国衣冠 (11), 41-42. (Who is there half-covering her peach-blossom face (2017). Cultural Heritage of China. Chinese Robs and Headdresses, (11), 41-42.)
裙间环佩响叮当 (2017)中华遗产。最中国的服饰:中国衣冠 (12), 15-30. (Jingling rings on the skirt (2017). Cultural Heritage of China. Most Chinese of all Clothing: Chinese Robs and Headdresses. (12), 15-30.)
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盛文强 (2020) 盛文强。怪客僵尸不了情。中华遗产。妖鬼记, 87-97. (Sheng, W. (2020). Zombie, the merciless visitor. Cultural Heritage of China. The Book of Ghosts and Demons, 87-97)
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