Towards Visual Ecology of Digital City
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Smart City Neural Network Technologies Invisible Cities Big Data

How to Cite

Kolesnikova, D., & Latypova, A. (2022). Towards Visual Ecology of Digital City. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, 4(3), 17-34.


Contemporary city is a digital city. It is real and the techniques of its living are no poorer than the techniques of developing pre-digital cities. The city of the digital age does not dissolve into virtuality but, on the contrary, acquires new levels and dimensions. It is expanding, as is the range of the models managing it, which are formed on the basis of new technologies. The city is turning into a complex mechanism that produces and processes data flows. Architecture, urban management, and practices of citizens are increasingly basing on digital technologies. In the article, the authors set the context of the thematic issue through the introduction of two registers of visuality of contemporary city: a visible city that changes under the influence of the digital, and an invisible city created by algorithms.
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