The article forms a matrix of the main propositions and markers of artificial intelligence in non-professional (philistine) discourses. The study is implemented on the Internet using special tools. The subject of the analysis is the search queries in the main ‘Google’ and ‘Yandex’ services, thematic communities, social networks and users’ comments. The definition of the matrix of non-professional stereotypical labeling of artificial intelligence as an actual developing technology allows us to see a picture of a new metaphysics. “Technological” metaphysics is inextricably linked with mythological thinking and significantly affects the absorption of scientific and technological developments. It also influences the constructive critical attitude towards the physical condition. The article substantiates that this modern technical mythology, which includes many speculative assumptions, has a double meaning: on the one hand, it “domesticates” technology, and on the other hand, it creates an insurmountable barrier for the convergence of spiritual and religious scope and the scientific worldview. The definition and subsequent refinement of the mythological matrix is necessary for the effective implementation of innovative programs, adjustment of those to the education system, constructive dialogue between the state, scientists, and users.
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