Outdoor advertising has traditionally been considered one of the most important components of the mass media complex. Having an impact on all layers of society, advertising has become a kind of projection of the values that society lives by, and reflects its social and cultural level. However, the redundant use of outdoor advertising has led to the fact that in recent years the problem of the lack of aesthetics of Russian cities has become very acute. We studied and analyzed the current situation with poor-quality outdoor advertising design in modern cities to search new approaches and tools to solve the problem of unsightly cities on the example of the city of Astrakhan. The research was based on the synergetic principle of studying the object, on the method of system analysis of psychological diagnostics (observation, conversation, questionnaire), and on the analysis of the existing situation of outdoor advertising in Astrakhan. We also suggested the list of aspects and conditions important for creating interesting in design and content outdoor advertisement. Analyzing the answers to the questionnaire and basing on the study of the state of outdoor advertising in the urban environment, we formulated the conditions of normalizing the state of the urban space, meaning its quality and placement. Outdoor advertising is developing along with the improvement of information and communication technologies. A person’s contact with advertising in contemporary city is inevitable. At the same time, there are already a lot of tools available at the moment, to strengthen the impact of advertising on citizens. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of a particular tool with special responsibility, so that advertising, as an integral component of an up-today city, does not damage the urban space.
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