Only original and previously unpublished manuscripts are accepted for consideration. The minimum text volume, including metadata, is 30,000 characters with spaces (approximately 5,500 words), and there is no maximum limit.
All materials prepared by the author and accompanying documents must be sent simultaneously to email: and, addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, PhD Olesya S. Yakushenkova. Failure to comply with manuscript formatting requirements may result in rejection.
Materials submitted to the editorial office must be accompanied by a Cover Letter. The text of the Cover Letter should be continuous. Below is an approximate structure:
1. Greeting
- Address the Editor-in-Chief (e.g., "Dear [Editor’s name]").
2. Introduction
- Introduce yourself and state the title of your article.
- Specify the type of manuscript (e.g., "original research article," "review," "short communication,").
- Indicate the journal to which you are submitting the article.
We submit for your consideration a manuscript entitled "[Article Title]" for publication in the journal [Journal Name] as a [type of article].
3. Justification for journal choice
- Explain why your work aligns with the journal's scope.
- Highlight the value your article provides to the readership.
We believe that this work aligns with the scope of [Journal Name], as it addresses [main topic], which is of interest to your audience.
4. Brief description of the work
- Describe the purpose, key results, and significance of the research in a few sentences.
- Highlight what makes your research unique.
In this study, we explored [research purpose]. The results indicate [key findings] and provide new insights into [research significance].
5. Statement of compliance
- Confirm the originality of the work and adherence to ethical standards.
- Indicate that the manuscript is not under consideration elsewhere.
We confirm that the submitted manuscript is original, has not been published previously, and is not currently under consideration in other journals. All authors have approved the final version of the manuscript.
6. Acknowledgment and contact information
- Thank the editorial office for considering your article.
- Provide contact details (email) for communication.
Thank you for considering our work. For further information, please contact us at [email address].
7. Conclusion
- End the letter with a polite closing and signature.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name],
Please adhere to all the requirements of our editorial office for formatting the article (note that this page contains two sections: "Requirements for manuscript and accompanying document formatting" and "Manuscript submission procedure").
! By submitting the manuscript and accompanying materials to the editorial office's email, the author agrees to the declared policies of the online edition:
- Ethics
- Policy on Charges for Publication and Processing of Manuscripts
- Policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies by Authors and Editorial Staff
Become a Reviewer
If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for our online publication, please complete the appropriate form available at the link: BECOME A REVIEWER.
Preliminary Manuscript Review
If you are unsure whether your manuscript aligns with Galactica Media's scope, we offer a form for PRELIMINARY MANUSCRIPT REVIEW. Editorial team will contact you with further instructions and discuss publication possibilities. Please note that the editorial office does not correspond via email regarding the topic's suitability. Research topics are considered only within the preliminary review service.
Requirements for Manuscript and Accompanying Document Formatting
1. Before submission, the author must prepare three separate files depending on the language:
For Russian-speaking authors |
For English-speaking authors |
- Author Information. Templates for Russian-speaking and English-speaking authors can be downloaded by clicking the relevant link in the table above. The file must contain data in Russian and English: full name, affiliation, city, country, email, and ORCID number. The file should be submitted in DOCX, DOC, RTF, or ODT formats.
We highly value your commitment to collaboration in the context of research and understand that teamwork can significantly enrich the manuscript's content. Ideally, the number of co-authors for one manuscript should be one to three. However, we recognize that the complexity of some research requires a broader range of expertise. In such cases, if the number of co-authors exceeds three, we kindly request the submission of an additional file to our online edition's email, outlining each participant's contribution to the research. This will allow us to better understand each co-author's input and ensure appropriate recognition of their work. Please avoid inflating the number of co-authors unnecessarily.
We encourage transparency and academic integrity in determining authorship based on actual contributions to the research. It is vital for all members of the research community to uphold these values to ensure the reliability and integrity of academic publications. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this important aspect of the research process.
- Manuscript Text without Author Identification. The template is also available for download. The file should be submitted in DOCX, DOC, RTF, or ODT formats.
- Consent for Personal Data Processing, signed and scanned. It should be submitted only in PDF format.
2. Manuscript Text without Author Identification must comply with the following requirements:
a) The article metadata (Title, Abstract, Keywords) in English (and Russian for Russian-speaking authors only) should occupy the first page of the document.
b) Article title: font size 18, bold, left-aligned, font — Times New Roman.
c) Abstract: 150 to 250 words; keywords – 10 terms separated by a semicolon (in English, they are capitalized except articles, conjunctions, and prepositions like "of," "the," "a/an," "in," "at"). Font size 10, Times New Roman. Abstract structure: research problem (2-3 sentences), research objective (1-2 sentences), results and conclusions (3-4 sentences), target audience (1-2 sentences).
d) Manuscript text: font size 12, Times New Roman, justified alignment, 1 cm first-line indent, single line spacing.
e) The text must be structured into sections: Introduction, Main Text, Conclusion. The division is not strictly limited to these three sections, and section titles can be chosen by the author. This is only a standard example.
f) Quotes are formatted within the text and enclosed in quotation marks (with a reference in parentheses at the end). Quotes longer than two sentences are placed in a separate line, font size 10, indented 1 cm from both sides, single spacing.
g) References within the text are formatted in parentheses, indicating the author's last name, year of publication, and page number. For example, (Smith, 2009, p. 250) or (Smith, 2009, pp. 250-256). If the author's name has already been mentioned in the text or in the previous reference, it should be omitted in parentheses. For multiple works by the same author in one year, use alphabetical labels (e.g., Smith, 2009a and Smith, 2009b).
h) In English text, the primary quotation marks are double quotation marks (“”), and if it is necessary to highlight text within a quoted passage, single quotation marks (‘’) are used. Please avoid confusing double quotation marks (“”) with straight quotes (").
i) In Russian, centuries are written in Roman numerals, whereas in English, Arabic numerals are used.
3. References
Formatting according to APA 7th Edition. It is recommended to use Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote for managing citations and references.
Translation and Transliteration: References should include the English titles of sources with official English names.
As of November 2024, transliteration of titles is no longer used in our online publication. Instead, for sources without parallel English titles, translations into English are provided.
Transliteration is only required for the titles of Russian journals without official English equivalents.
At the end of a translated source, a note such as (In Russian) for Russian-language sources or the appropriate language of the source, e.g., (In Turkish), should be added.
Minimum number of references: 25. For certain publication genres, this requirement is conditional and not mandatory. These include essays, book reviews, and reports. A smaller number of references may also be acceptable if justified by the quality of the research (the editorial office will decide whether to accept such a manuscript).
DOI: Including the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for all references is mandatory wherever available. Use the Simple Text Query tool to check and format references correctly.
Examples of reference formatting:
— Journal Article:
Ryan, M., & Stahl, B. C. (2021). Artificial intelligence ethics guidelines for developers and users: Clarifying their content and normative implications. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 19(1), 61–86.
— Monograph / Book:
Larkin, R. W. (2007). Comprehending Columbine. Temple University Press.
— Chapter in a Book:
Laineste, L., & Margus, L. (2015). Images of the Enemy from both Sides of the Front: The Case of Estonia (1942–1944). In D. Demski, L. Laineste, & K. Baraniecka-Olszewska (Eds.), War Matters: Constructing Images of the Other, 1930s to 1950s (pp. 222–243). L’Harmattan.
— Web Page:
Benecke, M. (2016). The Little Doomsday Guide, Part 2: Zombie Death for Beginners. Tor Online.
— Thesis or Dissertation:
Borin, C. (2019). Horsin’ Around: An Autoethnographic Critique of Trauma in BoJack Horseman through Abject and Affect [PhD Thesis]. University of Nebraska.
4. Tables and Illustrations. General Requirements
- All tables and illustrations must be presented in high quality suitable for publication.
- Captions for tables and illustrations must be provided in both English.
- Tables and illustrations should be placed in the text of the article immediately after their first mention or reference.
- Each table must have a title that includes the word "Table" and its number (e.g., Table 1) along with the full title of the table.
Table 1. Comparative analysis of methods.
- All data in tables must be clear and well-structured. A consistent system of units of measurement should be used.
- Tables must be prepared in an editable format. Tables in image format are not accepted.
- No more than 5 tables are allowed in one article.
- If the number of tables exceeds the limit, they should be placed in an Appendix following the main part of the article.
Illustrations (Figures, Graphs, Diagrams)
- Each illustration must be labeled with the word "Figure" and its number (e.g., Figure 1) and accompanied by a caption in both English.
Figure 1. Graph of parameter dependence.
- All illustrations must be in high resolution – 300 dpi.
- File formats: JPEG, PNG.
- The maximum number of illustrations in an article is 5.
Additional Notes
- All abbreviations in tables and illustrations must be explained in the captions.
- Captions and text in illustrations (e.g., labels on graphs) must be provided in both English.
- Tables and illustrations should not duplicate the text of the article; they are intended to visualize and complement the research results.
Adherence to these requirements ensures high-quality formatting and publication of your article.
5. Mention of Foreign Agents and Extremists (For Russian-speaking authors only!)
Mention of Foreign Agents
- Upon first mention of individuals or organizations recognized as foreign agents in the Russian Federation, the following note must be included:
"* — recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to with the symbol *)".
- This note should be formatted as a footnote or in parentheses at the first mention.
- Subsequent mentions of such entities should be accompanied by the symbol *.
Mention of Extremists or Extremist Organizations
- Upon first mention of individuals or organizations recognized as extremists in the Russian Federation, the following note must be included:
"** — recognized as an extremist organization/individual in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to with the symbol **)".
- The note should be formatted as a footnote or in parentheses.
- Subsequent mentions of such entities should be accompanied by the symbol **.
Mention of Products Belonging to Extremist Organizations
- When mentioning products (e.g., social networks, services, or other products) belonging to extremist organizations, the following note must be included in a footnote:
"** — belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to with the symbol **)".
- This information must be provided at the first mention of the product.
- Subsequent mentions of such entities should be accompanied by the symbol **.
Specific Formatting in Different Sections of the Manuscript
- If information about foreign agents or extremist organizations is included in the following parts of the manuscript, each must contain the relevant notes:
Metadata (title, authors, abstract, keywords).
Main text of the article.
- Ensure that each part of the manuscript complies with the specified requirements.
For the latest information on the status of foreign agents and extremist organizations, please refer to the following sources:
- Foreign Agents:
- Extremist Organizations and Individuals:
Manuscript Submission Procedure
1. All materials prepared by the author and accompanying documents must be sent simultaneously to email: and, addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, PhD Olesya S. Yakushenkova.
2. After receiving the materials, the editorial office will send the author a notification of receipt. Check your SPAM folder in case the email is filtered. The response may be delayed due to workload. Expected response time: 1-2 days.
3. If the submission is satisfactory, the Editorial Office will create an author account on the website, send the author a login and password via email, and upload the materials to the editorial platform so that the author can track the editorial stages.