Communicative Behavior of Mass Culture Icon Villain and the Influence on Destructive Behavior in Youth. Joker’s Case


Communicative Behavior Lingo-Cultural Image Self-Identification Identity Communication Strategies Antihero Cult Villain Comic Book Violence Destructive Behavior

How to Cite

Osipov, D. (2024). Communicative Behavior of Mass Culture Icon Villain and the Influence on Destructive Behavior in Youth. Joker’s Case. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, 6(1), 156-171.


This article examines the potential influence of iconic characters—villains of mass culture—on destructive and aggressive youth behavior. The cultivation of certain societal groups and individual media characters can lead to the normalization of hostility and violence. This study analyzes the communication styles, intelligence, motives, aggression levels, and violent actions of famous villains from films, television, and literature. Particular attention is paid to the Joker’s communicative behavior, dialogues, and language, examining how he psychologically manipulates others and conveys his destructive views through unconventional techniques. Using textual examples from comic books and films, it analyzes how the Joker’s language choices and performative style reflect his background and moral-anarchic worldview. His rhetoric provokes violent reactions from allies and enemies alike, highlighting his ability to destabilize situations. The presented portrait reveals a multi-layered understanding of this legendary creation in different epochs and contexts. The findings indicate certain villain traits that could potentially encourage impressionable youth to engage in harmful behavior. Overall, provocative fiction has a double-edged significance as it can both shape and mislead developing minds. Recommendations are made to reduce the negative effects of glamorizing villains in entertainment media.


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