The metaverse was first expressed in Neal Stephenson’s science fantasy novel “Snowcrash” as the idea of a three-dimensional virtual world, in which both visual and social content are designed by the inhabitants themselves. Metaverse, which means the other universe, is presented as a three-dimensional graphic virtual world in the computer environment in Stephenson’s novel. Cinema has started to use this technology in the design of spaces by quickly integrating with the metaverse technology. In this context, the surreal understanding of art, which manifests itself in the art of painting, has also taken its place in the space designs in the cinema with the technological developments in the film industry. In this study, the definition of intersemiotics is used to express the transactions such as space and theme between paintings and films in the art universe. The concept of intertextuality, which indicates the exchange between at least two literary texts, expresses the transactions of an art discipline with other art disciplines in the recent period, with the adaptation of the concept of intertextuality to other art branches. When the concept is adapted to cinema, the comparative processes of cinema with other art disciplines are evaluated in the context of intersemiotics. In this context, the re-creation of the fictional space of the thought created by virtual reality together with the surreal movement in the cinema is evaluated through the film “Avatar: The Way of Water”.
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