Primary and Secondary Suffering in Psychiatry, Oncology, Buddhism, Transhumanism, and the Necessity of Its Overcoming
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Transhumanism Primary and Secondary Suffering Psychiatry Oncology Buddhism Posthumanism Eudemonism Overcoming of Suffering Scientific and Technological Progress

How to Cite

Ivanchenko, M. (2024). Primary and Secondary Suffering in Psychiatry, Oncology, Buddhism, Transhumanism, and the Necessity of Its Overcoming. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, 6(1), 244-273.


The paper raises the question of the essence and necessity of primary and secondary suffering in psychiatry, oncology, Buddhism, and transhumanism. It directly explores the phenomenon of suffering, drawing a distinction between primary and secondary suffering in these domains of medicine and philosophy. The article presents objections to common misconceptions regarding the irreplaceable and significant role of suffering in human experience and for humanity as a whole.

The study aims to deconstruct the assumed value of primary and secondary suffering for both humans and posthumanity. An analysis of the problem of primary and secondary suffering is conducted to substantiate the fundamental importance of overcoming suffering as such.

One of the research methods employed is the conducting of analytical, focused individual interviews with medical professionals and religious figures, complemented by content analysis. A deconstructive and phenomenological approach is also utilized.

Both psychiatric and oncological fields are selected as exemplars representing the quintessence of mental and physical suffering. Buddhism and transhumanism are chosen as philosophical responses to the suffering addressed in psychiatry and oncology.

Emphasizing the problem of suffering is essential to prioritize its resolution. Meditation is suggested as a method for addressing secondary suffering; science and technology are proposed as means to overcome suffering in general. The article is intended for a broad readership, particularly researchers in philosophy, psychology, futurology, as well as for posthumanists, transhumanists, immortalists, and those interested in the topic of overcoming suffering, illness, senility, and death.
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